You’ve registered your team, rallied your co-workers and practiced your form for all 11 events. Now it’s time for The Community Cup, presented by The Columbus Foundation, to begin!
Starting on Saturday, Aug. 1, we’ll kick off The Community Cup at Fortress Obetz. With two virtual events and nine in-person events, this year’s event provides an opportunity for everyone to participate and contribute to their team’s win.
As we gear up for the third annual competition, here’s a few tips to remember before arriving at Fortress Obetz:
Getting To The Community Cup
We ask that teams arrive ten minutes prior to the start of their registered time slot to maximize their time competing and complete the health assessment (more info below). We will not have a Tailgate Zone outside this year’s event, but signage will direct participants to the stadium, where they are able to park directly in front of the main entrance. Upon entering the event, participants will be directed to compete on one half of the Fortress Obetz field. Teams will be assigned above arrival to either Field A or Field B to keep competing teams separated.
You can view the event map here.
Keeping You Safe On-Site
Participant safety is our top priority at this year’s event. We ask that all participants complete a COVID-19 self-assessment prior to arriving at The Community Cup. Upon arriving to Fortress Obetz, all participants will enter at the OhioHealth Medical Check-In where their temperatures will be taken. Inside the venue, face coverings and social distancing will be required for all participants and staff. Hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout the venue, and all equipment will be sanitized between uses. You can learn more about our robust health and safety plan here.
We will not be providing face masks on-site. If a team member does not have a face mask, they cannot participate.
Prepare for the Weather
Don’t let the weather get in the way of your quest for the Cup! Remember that drop-in events will take place outside on the field with limited shade. We recommend wearing comfortable athletic clothing/shoes and bringing your own hat and sunscreen to your in-person time slot. Remember to bring your own water bottle, as there will not be hydration stations at this year’s event. However, think carefully about what you’ll pack for event day, as we are not able to return items left at Fortress Obetz this year.
Tracking Your Score and Earning Additional Points
Want to check out the competition? We will keep a live scoreboard of each team’s points updated throughout the week as teams complete their events. Don’t forget that teams can earn additional points through initiatives like the Charity Challenge, practice points, Spirit of Sports and virtual events. You can learn more about these additional points here.
The Community Cup is a day for team camaraderie, wellness and positive spirit! While the 2020 event may look different, we can’t wait to see all our teams show off their teamwork this week!
You can learn more about The Community Cup at